Detta inlägg kommer att bli övervägande på engelska på grund av denna "skylt" startades en het diskussion på facebook.
Jag har ju flera homo- och bisexuella i min vänkrets och bland mina släktingar och ser inget fel i detta, och reagerade på kommentarer som Roger skrev!
Roger: Get over the fact that people find homosexuality as disgusting and basically un-natural. In people Homosexuals make up less than 2% of the population. Same with other animal species. There is a story of a Moose falling in love with a cow, that does not make in normal in any sense. What about the homosexuals that have switched back to the main stream, like the actress Anne Hatch? What about the fact that the majority of homosexuals were molested as children, or that they have a sad depressed life and unhealthy life style? No one is saying they should be persecuted, but then again they should not dictate the morals of society as a whole.
Erik: where did you get this from? actually homosexuals make up more than 8-9 % of the population. And it is not about a moose falling in love with a cow, it is about a moose falling in love with another moose. And that is obviously not un-natural. Haha, and where did you get this from, that homosexuals were molested as children, and feel sad and depressed? People like you should not dictate the morals of society as a whole.
Jonna: wow Roger, i have to sat that i love gays, bi´s,transgenders and queers. Love being around them...they dont judge people like some people like you do! it is not un-natural. Un natural is the way people like you think! its scary and sad.
Ted : Which species? I just heard the other day that humans are the only ones who do that. Interesting how facts are so different.
Erik: Ted, are you serious?
Teddy: yup. I do think it's interesting
Jonna :just ignore stupid people...ive learned. im out of this stupid discussion. cant believe there still is so narrow-minded people/humans....everybody is worth to live and have a happy life wether its gay,bi, hetero,transg. or queer.
Erik: Totally agree with you Jonna, because I am gay my self :D Any my life is not pain, not feeling depressed never were molested. My life is full of happiness and joy. I love living and I love my self very much!
Jonna : Ive been depressed and i have had a rough childhood, but i am happily married to a man, and what has happened in my life hasnt turned me thats just donkeybollox what some people say. But however i know many gay who are depressed because of human rase how they are treated and bullied for being gay and not accepted for who they are! Just hold your head up high and ignore assholes who doesnt know any better. I do! and i support my gayfriends 100% everybody deserves to be happy in life!!!
Jenny: I heard procentage is like 10-15 % worldwide... that would matter; we are all here to brighten the world!!! Can't believe this discussion is on in 2011 and hope our new generations are more broadminded and put their energy in things that ARE important instead!!!
Mariann: I really started a discussion with this! For me all people is equal, no matter race, sex or what sexual orientation they may have! As long the are caring and loving people. And this upset me and make me sad to see that there are narrow-minded people among us. Roger I hope you get your facts straight, because you way off base.... Moose and a cow... That's more like an afro american woman and white man...or vice versa... are you a racist too?
Teddy: Being called homophobic because people disagree with someone's choices is not very loving, if you ask me.
Teddy And I am still interested in which species besides humans do that, too. You are right whoever said it - I am not smart enough to know that info.
Erik: try google? It is a real great internet search service - for free. there are lots of documentaries of species besides humans "doing that". It is called LOVE you moron. Why can't people like you just don't try to learn something new? Stop being so narrow minded. Does it really matter who you love? No it doesn't. All that matters is that you LOVE! End of discussion.
Mariann: Teddy, It is not but a disagreement! If you mean that I called Roger homophobic and I even asked if he's being a racist.. I sure did! Because I am not gay!!! And I'm sure not a rasist! Do you think that it's okay to say that people are disgusting? For me that is not okay! And the same thing with inter racial relationship and marriage, you think that is a sin or wrong? I don't think so! But one thing I dislike is people that is so narrowminded that they cant like or love a another human being because he or she is diffident then they are... There are even people who think you should lock away mentally retarded children and adults! I think we all are here on earth to make this world a better place, whatever color your skin have, whatever sexual orientation you have and so on
Teddy: Wow. I don't believe I called anyone any names, nor did I do anything except ask a question or two. So I have been called narrowminded, stupid and a moron, just because I asked some questions? ummm, none of you even know what I think about the subject at all.
Teddy: btw, Mariann, you have some good points
Mitt budskap är att man ska älska alla trots olikheter! Vad har det för betydelse vilken hudfärg du har? Vilken sexuella läggning? Religion? Och så vidare... tänk så mycket bättre världen hade sett ut om man kunde ta alla för vem de är!
Såg tråden på FB, intressant verkligen hur det kan bli ;-)
SvaraRaderaHoppas din dag blir bra o att du är bättre i halsen o får sova i alla fall utan att hosta sönder nattron ♥
Håller med dig maya att älska utan förbehåll är att älska
SvaraRaderaHåller med dig helt o hållet!!
SvaraRaderaHa ne bra dag! kram
Att älska kan både vara lätt och svårt.
SvaraRaderaUtgångsläget borde ju vara acceptans för olikheter!!! Det svåra blir då denna brister!
Så tänker jag!
Hej Maya vilken jättefin blogg du har fixat till. Ha en fin dag !
SvaraRaderaHej Igen! Jo en del följare kommenterar precis som om allt jag lägger ut inte passar dom och då blir man ju ledsen. Och en del följare kanske man inte gillar av någon anledning. Maya vet du om att jag fick en liten stroke förra året i juni? Jag kan göra det mesta men närminnet och balansen fick sig en liten törn. Jag sätter mig som följare på din blogg då jag tycker den blivit superbra !! Ha en fin dag !