
tisdag 24 maj 2011

Todays experience...

Mats wounder how my presentation went... lets see... 
My presentation went down the hatch ... or the cat caught my tongue!
No,  It did not go that bad, but I was a bit nervous and i forgot some words...  But i think It went okay.
More practice and it will be just fine.

And I realized something... I don't think I speak British English :(  I would like to have that Lovely accent that our teacher Miss Locker have :) I sounds so great!

I think I speak some kind of sloppy American movie English.... I think I have to practice a bit more to sound British :) 

I have just finish doing my home work and that's about me... and my life!
This is my life!
I'm a woman in my prime. That is what I think anyway... and I’m always in my prime J
I love to joke around and have a great sense of humor. I think you already found out that about me. I still feel like I’m in my twenty's J

I have two daughters Emily age 23 and Natalie age 18.
And I live with my partner Christian and our cat "Missy" in Åhus
So I started out... the rest is just for Miss Lockers eyes... maybe you will get to read it someday :)
But now I'm off to have a cup of tea and finish my book.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Indeed wasnt that a dandy story , good work.

  2. OJ.... tappade tråden supersnabbt eftersom jag är LIVRÄDD för engelska.....
    Får ta google translate ;)

  3. Ha en underbar onsdag !
    Kramar och God morgon :)
